Your response is legally required

Business name
Trading as
Change in details
Call 0300 1234 931 or email if there have been any changes to your business name, address or structure
1 May 2016 to 31 May 2016
12 June 2016

The information supplied is used to produce monthly estimates of the total retail sales in Great Britain where retailing is defined as the sale of goods to the general public for household consumption. The Retail Sales Index is a key indicator of the progress of the economy. It is also used to help estimate consumer spending on retail goods and the output of the retail sector, both of which feed into the compilation of the National Accounts. The results are also used by the Bank of England and HM Treasury to inform decision making by government and in formulating financial policies. The results are published on our website.

You will be asked to provide information for the business, including:

  • value of total retail turnover
  • value of internet sales
  • reasons for changes to figures

If actual figures are not available, please provide informed estimates.

We will treat your data securely and confidentially

Legal Information

You are required to complete this questionnaire. If you do not complete and return this questionnaire by 12 June 2016, penalties may be incurred (under section 4 of the Statistics of Trade Act 1947).