• Patterns
  • Boxes

Lifted box

Regional Gross Value Added (Income Approach)

  • In 2012 the South East had the largest increase in GVA
  • Between 1997 and 2011 the contribution of building to total GVA decreased in each of the NUTS1 regions.

Usage notes

Adds a drop-shadow to a box element. To be used when the box sits on a white background.

<article class="box lifted">
  <header class="box__header">
    <h3 class="gamma">
      Regional Gross Value Added (Income Approach)
  <!-- /box__header -->

  <div class="box__content">
    <ul class="list--bullet">
      <li>In 2012 the South East had the largest increase in GVA</li>
      <li>Between 1997 and 2011 the contribution of building to total GVA decreased in each of the NUTS1 regions. </li>
    <!--  /list-bullet -->

  <!-- /box__content -->
  <footer class="box__footer box__actions">
    <a class="btn btn--primary btn--small btn--narrow" href="#">
      Download .xls
      <span class="icon icon-download icon--button-inline"></span>

Developer Notes

Uses box-shadow, so comes with the normal CSS3 browser compatibility caveats. Don't rely solely on this to create a visual emphasis.