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Hero stat headline

CPI Annual Rate Percentage Change over 12 months

Jan 2014 0.7%
Last updated:
18 Jul 2014
Next update:
18 Aug 2014

CPI headlines

  • The Consumer Price Index (CPI) grew by 1.5% in the year to May 2014, down from 1.8% in April.
  • Fall in transport services costs, notably air fares, provided the largest contribution to the decrease in the rate.
  • The timing of Easter in April is likely to have an impact on movements in the index, notably for air and sea fares.
  • CPIH grew by 1.4% in the year to May 2014, down from 1.6% in April. RPIJ grew by 1.7%, down from 1.8% in April.

Usage notes

The hero stat headline component should be used to highlight key statistics on your site.

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      <h2 class="beta">
        CPI Annual Rate Percentage Change over 12 months
        <span tabindex="0" title="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" class="tooltip icon-info-circled icon--warm icon--inline icon--inline--large-text icon--small"></span>
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            Jan 2014
            <span class="icon icon-up-bold icon--large icon--green icon--fat" role="presentation"></span>
      <dl class="list--definition--float mini">
        <dt>Last updated:</dt>
        <dd>18 Jul 2014</dd>
        <dt>Next update:</dt>
        <dd>18 Aug 2014</dd>
    <div class="divider__half">
      <h3 class="body-type lede delta">CPI headlines</h3>
      <ul class="list--bullet mini">
        <li>The Consumer Price Index (CPI) grew by 1.5% in the year to May 2014, down from 1.8% in April.</li>
        <li>Fall in transport services costs, notably air fares, provided the largest contribution to the decrease in the rate.</li>
        <li>The timing of Easter in April is likely to have an impact on movements in the index, notably for air and sea fares.</li>
        <li>CPIH grew by 1.4% in the year to May 2014, down from 1.6% in April. RPIJ grew by 1.7%, down from 1.8% in April.</li>