Release date: 23 July 2017

Next release: July 2018

Release frequency: Annual

Estimates of paid hours worked, weekly, hourly and annual earnings for UK employees by gender and full or part-time working by 2 digit Standard Occupation Classification 2010.

1. In this dataset

Unit of measurement
Earnings (£)

UK | Region | Local Authority

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Some title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vitae rhoncus diam. Vivamus non massa libero. Nulla non maximus sem. Fusce id vestibulum libero.

All | Male | Female

Employment type
All | Full-time | Part-time

Pay and hours
Weekly pay - gross | Weekly pay - excluding overtime | Basic pay - including other pay | Overtime pay | Hourly pay - gross | Annual pay - gross | Annual pay - incentive | Paid hours worked - total | Paid hours worked - basic | Paid hours worked - overtime

Median | Annual percentage change (median) | Mean | Annual percentage change (mean) | Percentiles (10 to 90)

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2. What has changed in this edition

Estimates of the change from the previous year are provided for the median and mean. It is important to note that these are not adjusted to account for changes in the composition of the labour market during that period. Such factors can influence the apparent change in medians or means independently of changes in individuals' earnings. For example, when there are more low-paying jobs in the labour market in one year compared to the previous year, this acts to decrease the median. Consequently, care should be taken when drawing conclusions about changes in pay for individuals over time.

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3. Dataset notes

Estimates vary in quality, mainly reflecting the size of the samples. See the 'quality measures' section below for more information.

Figures for numbers of jobs are not reliable estimates. See the 'job counts' section below for more information.

ASHE covers employee jobs in the United Kingdom. It does not cover the self-employed, nor does it cover employees not paid during the reference period.

Hourly and weekly estimates are provided for the pay period that included a specified date in April. They relate to employees on adult rates of pay, whose earnings for the survey pay period were not affected by absence.

Annual estimates are provided for the tax year that ended on 5th April in the reference year. They relate to employees on adult rates of pay who have been in the same job for more than a year.

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4. Quality measures

The colour coding within the tables indicates the quality of each estimate based on the coefficient of variation (CV) of that estimate. The CV is the ratio of the standard error of an estimate to the estimate itself and is expressed as a percentage. The smaller the coefficient of variation the greater the accuracy of the estimate. The true value is likely to lie within +/- twice the CV. For example, for an estimate of £200 with a CV of 5%, we would expect the true population average to be within the range £180 to £220.

Statistical robustness key

.. = disclosive
: = not applicable
- = nil or negligible

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5. Usage information

Free for public use.
Citation: 2017, Source 2011 CensusDesign review

Terms & conditions

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6. Language

Available in English only.

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7. Source

ASHE is based on a 1% sample of jobs taken from HM Revenue and Customs' Pay As You Earn (PAYE) records. Consequently, individuals with more than one job may appear in the sample more than once.

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8. Codes used in this dataset

SIC codes

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9.Previous versions

Previous versions of this dataset are available

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Contact details for this Dataset:

Nigel Henretty
Telephone: +44 (0)1633 651815

Other datasets in this collection:

This dataset is the latest edition (2017). See all editions

This dataset is part of a larger family (Annual survey of hours and earnings) each dataset in the family is broken down by different criteria.
See all datasets in this family

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