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This site contains the project documentation for rdsa-utils, a suite of PySpark, Pandas, and general pipeline utils for Reproducible Data Science and Analysis (RDSA) projects.

Table Of Contents

  1. API Reference
  2. Contribution Guide
  3. Branching & Deployment Guide

Quickly find what you're looking for depending on your use case by looking at the different pages.


The following prerequisites are required for rdsa-utils:

  • Python 3.8 or higher

Dependency Update: PySpark

To optimise the installation process and accommodate users with pre-installed environments, pyspark is now classified as a development dependency. This adjustment avoids potential conflicts in environments where pyspark is already available, such as Cloudera Data Platform.

For Users:

  • If your environment does not have pyspark pre-installed: You will need to manually install pyspark to utilise features dependent on it. This can be done by running pip install pyspark==<version> when setting up your environment, replacing <version> with the specific version required for your project.

  • If pyspark is pre-installed in your environment: No additional action is required. This change ensures seamless integration without overwriting or conflicting with the existing pyspark installation.

This modification streamlines rdsa-utils for various use cases, enhancing both flexibility and user experience.