Aquifer management instruments |
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Arrangements for transboundary water management in most important basins and aquifers |
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Basin and aquifer level organizations for leading implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM) plans |
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Basin and aquifer management plans |
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Basin management instruments |
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Coordination between national government authorities representing different sectors on water resources, policy, planning and management |
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Data and information sharing within countries at all levels |
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Developing integrated water resources management (IWRM) capacity at the national level |
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Financing for transboundary cooperation |
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Management instruments to reduce impacts of water-related disasters from the national level |
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Management of water-related ecosystems from the national level |
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National budget for investment including water resources infrastructure |
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National budget for the recurrent costs of the integrated water resources management (IWRM) elements |
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National government authority capacity for leading implementation of national integrated water resources management (IWRM) plans |
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National integrated water resources management (IWRM) plans |
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National monitoring of water availability |
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National water resources law |
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National water resources policy |
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Organizational framework for transboundary water management for most important basins and aquifers |
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Participation of vulnerable groups in water resources planning and management |
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Pollution control from the national level |
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Private Sector participation in water resources development, management and use at national level |
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Public participation in water resources, policy, planning and management at national level |
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Public participation in water resources, policy, planning and management at the local level |
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Revenues raised from dedicated levies on water users at basin, aquifer or sub-national levels |
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Sub-national authorities for leading IWRM implementation |
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Sub-national or basin budgets for investment including water resources infrastructure |
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Sub-national or basin budgets for IWRM elements |
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Sub-national water resources policies |
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Sub-national water resources regulations |
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Sustainable and efficient water use management from the national level |
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Transboundary data and information sharing between countries |
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