
This is a list of outputs that are available on this service. Click each of the links below for more information on the available output.

Open SDG output

This output includes a variety of endpoints designed to support the Open SDG platform.

See examples of Open SDG output
GeoJSON output - country

This output contains GeoJSON for those indicators that have geocoded data.

See examples of GeoJSON output - country
GeoJSON output - regions

This output contains GeoJSON for those indicators that have geocoded data.

See examples of GeoJSON output - regions
GeoJSON output - local_authorities

This output contains GeoJSON for those indicators that have geocoded data.

See examples of GeoJSON output - local_authorities
Data packages

This output produces data packages for each indicator.

See examples of Data packages
SDMX output

This output has an SDMX file for each indicator's data, plus one SDMX file with all indicator data. This data uses numbers and codes only, so is not specific to any language.The metadata is output in a 'meta' subfolder' and similarly has one per indicator plus an 'all' file. Translations of the metadata are included in each file using the 'lang' attribute. The data for this output uses the following data structure definition: https://registry.sdmx.org/ws/public/sdmxapi/rest/datastructure/IAEG-SDGs/SDG/latest/?format=sdmx-2.1&detail=full&references=children

See examples of SDMX output
Disaggregation report

These tables show information about all the disaggregations used in the data.

See disaggregation report
Metadata report

These tables show information about the indicators.

See metadata report