Non-statistical indicator
The supply of public drinking and sewerage services varies throughout the UK. The following legislation has been identified as relevant to this indicator -
Enlgand and Wales
Following the privatisation of the industry, public water supply and sewerage services are provided by private companies. A Regulatory Framework oversees the industry.
Water Industry Act 1991 contains various legal duties, including -
Provide, improve and extend a system of public sewers. To make provisions necessary to deal with the contents of public sewers.Water is to be wholesome at the time of supply. Flood and Water Management Act 2010 contains various legal duties, including -
Encouraging sustainability of urban drainage systems (SUDs).
Increased comprehensive management of flood risk for people and businesses.
Public water supply and sewerage services are provided by Scottish Water, a public company accountable to Scottish Ministers and Scottish Parliament.
Sewerage Scotland Act 1968 contains various legal duties, including -
Provision of public sewers.
To make provisions necessary to deal with the contents of public sewers.
Water Scotland Act 1980 contains various legal duties, including -
Water is to be wholesome at the time of supply.
Water Environment and Water Services Scotland Act 2003 contains various legal duties, including -
Provision for protection of the water environment.
Requires systems for managing and monitoring water environments based on natural river basin districts.Northern Ireland
Public water supply and sewerage services are provided by Northern Ireland Water, a public company, accountable to the Department for Infrastructure. The Water and Sewerage Services Northern Ireland Order 2006 contains various legal duties, including -
Provide, improve and extend a system of public sewers.
To make provisions necessary to deal with the contents of public sewers.
Water is to be wholesome at the time of supply. The Water and Sewerage Services Act Northern Ireland 2016
Powers for NI Water to amalgamate its Water Resource Management Plans and Drought Plans into one Water Resource and Supply Resilience Plan, facilitating economic and social efficiency.
Increase sustainability by introducing sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).
Drainage Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Northern Ireland 2017 contains various legal duties, including -
An assessment of drainage projects on the environment.