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Actionable header, tight

Download this entire time series from 1956—2014

Usage notes

Use where you'd want the headers and actions to appear nearly right next to each other, right-aligned, and behaving nicely responsively

<div class="actionable-header--tight">
  <h2 class="actionable-header--tight__title delta flush--bottom">Download this entire time series from 1956&#x2014;2014</h2>
  <div class="actionable-header--tight__action actionable-header--tight__action--left">
    <a class="btn btn--primary btn--small" href="#">
      <span class="icon-download icon--button-inline" role="presentation"></span>
    <a class="btn btn--primary btn--small" href="#">
      <span class="icon-download icon--button-inline" role="presentation"></span>